"Wenn ich dich je vergesse, Jerusalem, dann soll mir die rechte Hand verdorren. Die Zunge soll mir am Gaumen kleben, / wenn ich an dich nicht mehr denke, wenn ich Jerusalem nicht zu meiner höchsten Freude erhebe." (Ps 137:5-6)
Artikel über aktuelle Themen in Hinblick auf Israel und den Nahen Osten.
Watch three intense debates between a Zionist Christian (Dr. André Villeneuve) and a Palestinian Christian (Daniel Bannoura) as they discuss the ongoing Israel/Hamas conflict in 2024. Gain insights into the different perspectives on this controversial issue and witness a clash of opinions on the political and humanitarian aspects of the conflict.
Weiterlesen: Zionist vs Palestinian Debate on Israel/Hamas Conflict
Michael Lofton interviews Dr. Andre Villeneuve and former IDF soldier Ariel Birnbaum about the war in Gaza and explores a wide range of questions - including whether Israel stole land from the Palestinians.
When we meet cats who grin, that is, people who are naturally nice and warm, we tend to think that they are good people. A grin of the sort gives itself out as an implicit promise of support in time of need. Somebody whom we identify as empathic will be most likely to help. What is very curious is realizing that certain people's cordial grin amounts to nothing more than a grin – that there is nothing behind it, below it, or after it.
Bevor die Kinder Israels ins Gelobte Land einzogen, warnte Gott sie davor, dass sie in Versuchung geraten könnten ihren Glauben aufzugeben, wenn es ihnen zu gut gehen würde. Als Konsequenz würden sie neuen Göttern dienen und als Strafe von einem Volk überfallen werden, das eigentlich kein Volk ist – den Palästinensern.
Weiterlesen: Die Prophetie in der Bibel über das Massaker vom 7. Oktober
On October 28, 2023, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu caused a stir when he quoted a controversial passage from the Bible identifying Hamas with Amalek--Israel's archenemy in the Bible--to justify Israel's ongoing war against the terrorist group.
Weiterlesen: Remember Amalek: Israel and Hamas, Divine Mercy and Divine Justice
The Patriarchs and Heads of the Churches in Jerusalem have responded to the October 7 Hamas massacre in Israel and ensuing war in Gaza with posture of moral equivalence, suggesting that both parties in the conflict share equal blame and equivalent moral responsibility for the consequences of their actions. Intellectually, this is an easy path to take. But is it morally right?
Weiterlesen: When Neutrality is Immoral: Israel, Hamas, and Christian Moral Equivalence
Catholics for Israel welcomes and applauds the decision of US President Donald Trump to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and to relocate the American Embassy there.
Br. Tilbert Moser proposes a biblical alternative to the Two-State Solution and Vatican recognition of the Palestinian State. This article is currently available in German only.
Weiterlesen: The Biblical Alternative to the Two-State Solution
Perhaps you have seen this map before; it claims to illustrate the "Palestinian loss of land" from 1946 to 2000. The problem is that the map completely misrepresents the recent history of Palestine-Israel.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks at the 66th session of the General Assembly at United Nations headquarters on September 23, 2011, following Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' speech.
With God on Our Side, a 2010 movie produced by Rooftop Productions, portrays Christian Zionism as a dangerous political movement in the U.S. and a spoiler to the peace process between Israel and its adversaries in the Middle East.