
  • Pope Benedict XVI's Address at the Holy Sepulcher

    Pope Benedict at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre"Here the History of Humanity Was Decisively Changed."Here is the text of the address Benedict XVI gave during his visit to the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem.

  • The Tendencies of Evangelicalism

    Worship Are you an evangelical Christian or a Messianic Jew? What makes Evangelicalism so attractive?  What is the recipe for its success? What are the tensions and problems inherent in Evangelical Christianity?  Does Messianic Judaism provide a solution or does it add new problems? If you are an Evangelical, in which direction is your faith tending: Stagnation/unbelief, liberalism, fundamentalism, or Catholicism? What are the main stumbling blocks that keep good believers from entering into the fullness of truth?

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