Current events pertaining to Jewish-Christian relations, including the relationship of the Jewish people to the Catholic Church, papal teachings about Israel and Judaism, speeches to Jewish representatives, and papal visits to the Holy Land.
Dr. André Villeneuve surveys the history of Jewish-Catholic relations, highlights the theological underpinnings of this relationship, and considers how it has undergone an extraordinary transformation in the past seventy years.
Read more: From Rivalry to Reconciliation: The Catholic Church and the Jewish People
To Do the Will of Our Father in Heaven: Toward a Partnership between Jews and Christians. A statement by a group of Orthodox rabbis calls Christianity part of a divine plan in which God would have Jews and Christians work together to redeem the world.
apostolic successionMay we come together to the fullness of that unity in the “one new man” where Messianic Jewish Catholics continue to testify to the faithfulness of the God of Israel in the covenant of circumcision and their commemoration of the Sabbath, and where both Jewish and Gentile Catholics celebrate together the breaking forth of the new creation accomplished in the Lord’s resurrection on the eighth day.
Read more: Catholic Messianic Judaism: Oxymoron, Utopia, or Divine Plan?
In his book "The Vatican against Israel - J'accuse," Giulio Meotti does a major injustice to the Catholic Church regarding its relationships with the Jewish people and Israel, approaching the topic from a position of bias against the Church.
Read more: "The Vatican Against Israel - J'accuse": A Catholic Response
God has never stopped believing in the alliance made with Israel and that, through the terrible trials of these past centuries, the Jews have kept their faith in God. And for this, we will never be grateful enough to them, as the Church, but also as humanity at large.
Read more: Rome’s Chief Rabbi Commends Pope Francis on Judaism Comments
An organization researching the history of Pius XII's relationship with the Jews says that a series of documents recently uncovered show a pattern of direct actions by Archbishop Eugenio Pacelli (the future Pope) that culminated in the establishment of the modern State of Israel.
The term 'a stiff-necked people,' used to describe the Jews' betrayal of God on Mt. Sinai, has been erroneously applied throughout history; but in one case, at least, it is sadly apt.
"Strengthen Our Common Hope in God in the Midst of an Increasingly Secularized Society." Here is the address Benedict XVI delivered on September 22, 2011 to a gathering of representatives of the Jewish community at Berlin's Reichstag Building.
Read more: Pope Benedict XVI's Message to Berlin's Jewish Leaders
I have recently returned to Jerusalem after an absence of seven months abroad. During this time, I had many conversations with Catholic friends about Judaism. To many of them it seems incredible that most Jews still "don't get it" that the Messiah has come. The present reflection is addressed to Christians who wish to better understand the rationale for the Jewish rejection of Jesus and of the Church and wish to try to see the perspective from the "other side."
A statement clarifying two points of Catholic teaching relative to the Jewish community was released June 18, 2009, at the spring meeting of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). A Note on Ambiguities Contained in Covenant and Mission was jointly issued by the Committee on Doctrine and Pastoral Practice and the Committee on Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs.
View videos showing the highlights of Pope Benedict's visit in Israel.