
  • Gary Burge: Not Sent by Heaven

    Gary BurgeWhile most Evangelical Protestants are generally friendly to the Jewish people and the State of Israel, there is a small band of Evangelical pastors and professors who want to line up all Evangelicals unilaterally on the Palestinian side. The most egregious example may be Anglican vicar Stephen Sizer, whose has chummed up with the likes of Naturei Karta and Iranian President Ahmadinejad. But Gary Burge probably wields the greater influence.

  • Holy Land or Israel?

    IsraelI often hear Catholics talking about going on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, and I must confess that something lightly irritates me about this terminology. It seems that whenever Catholics talk about visiting the land of the Bible, they almost invariably call it “the Holy Land” and rarely “Israel.”

  • Human Rights of Christians in Palestinian Society

    Besieged monk in the Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem, 2002On the heels of the Gaza disengagement, which was intended to empower the Palestinian Authority to improve the lives of its people, few journalists have reported on the acutely trying times facing the Christians residing in areas "governed" by the Palestinian Authority. Professor Justus Reid Weiner, Scholar in Residence at the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, provides an in-depth look into the nearly uninterrupted persecution of Christians throughout the decade since the Oslo peace process began.  Read Human Rights of Christians in Palestinian Society.

  • If I Forget You, O Jerusalem…

    Jerusalem, Capital of IsraelCatholics for Israel welcomes and applauds the decision of US President Donald Trump to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and to relocate the American Embassy there.

  • In Gaza, the Vatican Raises the White Flag

    HamasHamas denies Israel's right to exist. But for pontifical diplomacy, the Jewish state is wrong to defend itself with force. The custodian of the Holy Land reveals the thinking behind the Church's policy in the Middle East.

  • Interview with Petra Heldt

    Petra HeldtAn interview with Petra Heldt, head of the Ecumenical Theological Research Fraternity in Israel and proud friend of Israel, on Christians in Israel, dhimmitude and Sharia law, and Jewish-Christian relations.

  • Israel and the "Peace Activist" Flotilla

    Ship of peace?Not surprisingly, Israel's interception of the "humanitarian aid" flotilla heading for Gaza in the early morning of May 31, 2010, which ended with nine activists killed and dozens wounded, has sparked outrage and harsh condemnations from the international community.  The incident has been described as an Israeli "crime" and "massacre" of peaceful humanitarian workers who only wished to relieve the suffering of the people of Gaza.

  • Israel and the Charge of Apartheid

    Israel Apartheid WeekDay by day the anti-Israel alliance, and sadly in collaboration with major church movements mainly from the Protestant world, is seeking to make the Apartheid label stick to Israel. We see this at present in the fortnight of global agitation known as “Israel Apartheid Week.” There is more to this scheming than meets the eye in that the real agenda behind branding Israel an “Apartheid state” is to remove the Jewish State altogether.

  • Israel between Past, Present and Future

    The Face of IsraelIn this article, I examine three questions: First, the question "who is Israel?" - using as point of reference Fr. Carlo Colonna's five ways of understanding the term "Israel." Second, I discuss the idea of God's blessing that comes "from" Israel and is intended "for" Israel.  Third, I attempt to clarify our own identity and mission as Catholics for Israel in light of Fr. Carlo's five ways of understanding Israel.

  • Israel in the New Testament

    Star of David MosaicThe words "Israel" and "Israelite" occur 77 times in the New Testament. Is "Israel"ever used as a synonym for the Church? How many times does the NT use the expression "new Israel" or "true Israel" to refer to the Church?

  • Israel-Palestine: When the Map Lies

    Palestinian loss of land?Perhaps you have seen this map before; it claims to illustrate the "Palestinian loss of land" from 1946 to 2000. The problem is that the map completely misrepresents the recent history of Palestine-Israel.

  • Israel, the Church, and Election

    Michael WyschogrodGod has tied His saving and redemptive concern for the welfare of all men to His love for the people of Israel. Only those who love the people of Israel can love the God of Israel. Israel is thus God's first-born, most precious in His eyes. -- Michael Wyschogrod (1928-2015)

  • Mary, the Universal Soul of Israel

    Mary and Jesus In this message I try to outline a a Jewish Catholic doctrine of Mary, a doctrine that, I think, does full justice to Mary as she is understood by the Church while, at the same time, acknowledging the dignity of Israel as it is understood in Judaism.

  • Masada


    From Herod’s stronghold heights, a Remnant watched, as Silva’s legion circled them in vain. Across the changing hues of water far below, they looked with memory at Moab’s hills, secure as even Moses could not be, for they were here in Judah’s field.

  • Nazareth


    No film director’s dream, this Galilean town: an ordinary place. Do you think I put it down? Why, no! It is to ordinary men he came, to share their ordinary lives, that they might be his kith.

  • Netanyahu's 2011 Speech at UN General Assembly

    PM Netanyahu speaking at the UN General AssemblyPrime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks at the 66th session of the General Assembly at United Nations headquarters on September 23, 2011, following Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' speech.

  • Old Jaffa

    Old JaffaThe Old City of Jaffa, located on the southern edge of Tel Aviv on the Mediterranean coast, was known in ancient times as the gateway to the Land of Israel. With its 3,000 years of history, Old Jaffa is the world’s most ancient port.

  • On Anti-Semitism

    Jacques MaritainJesus Christ suffers in the passion of Israel. In striking Israel, the anti-Semites strike him, insult him and spit on him. To persecute the house of Israel is to persecute Christ, not in his mystical body as when the Church is persecuted, but in his fleshly lineage and in his forgetful people whom he ceaselessly loves and calls. In the passion of Israel, Christ suffers and acts as the shepherd of Zion and the Messiah of Israel, in order gradually to conform his people to him.

  • On the Diverse Realities that go under the name "Israel"

    Fr. Carlo Colonna, sjIf we wish to grasp the meaning of God's Plan in history with regard to Israel, we must go far beyond the issues relating to the present political Israel or any other temporal  vision regarding Israel. We must grasp the role Israel has in God's Plan in the last days of history, wherein we have entered with the end of the time of the nations and the beginning of the time of Israel as God’s nation called in the end times to accept Messiah.

  • Pius XII Favored a Jewish Homeland in Palestine

    Pope Pius XIIAn organization researching the history of Pius XII's relationship with the Jews says that a series of documents recently uncovered show a pattern of direct actions by Archbishop Eugenio Pacelli (the future Pope) that culminated in the establishment of the modern State of Israel.

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