
  • Analysis: Pope Benedict XVI's Visit in Israel

    Pope Benedict XVI and the Israeli flagBenedict's visit to the Holy Land was and probably will remain the most complicated and sensitive trip of his pontificate.  Even before he arrived there was a sense in the air that "anything that can be misinterpreted will be." Now that the dust has settled, it is fair to say that the trip generated very mixed feelings. 

  • Gott ist kein Bigamist (German)

    Robert SpaemannOn March 9, 2009, the Central Committee of German Catholics released a heretical document entitled Nein zur Judenmission - Ja zum Dialog zwischen Juden und Christen ("No to Jewish mission - Yes to dialogue between Jews and Christians").  This document claims: "We emphasize, with the Church of the Second Vatican Council, that God's covenant with the Jewish people represents a way of salvation to God - also without recognition of Jesus Christ and without the sacrament of Baptism". German philosoper Robert Spaemann responds to the document's claims (in German).

  • Pope Benedict XVI: Holocaust Denial Unacceptable

    Pope Benedict and Rabbi Arthur Schneier in the VaticanPope Benedict XVI said any minimization of the Holocaust was unacceptable, especially for a priest, as he met with Jewish leaders in hopes of ending the rancor over a bishop who denied 6 million Jews were killed by the Nazis.

  • Pope Benedict XVI's Address at Yad Vashem

    Pope Benedict at Yad Vashem"May the Names of These Victims Never Perish." Here is the text of the address Benedict XVI gave on May 11, 2009 at the Yad Vashem memorial to the victims of the Holocaust.

  • Pope Benedict XVI's Address to American Jewish Organizations

    Pope Benedict receives a delegation of American Jews at the VaticanBenedict XVI calls the Shoah "a Crime Against God and Against Humanity" and reaffirms that "the Church draws its sustenance from the root of that good olive tree, the people of Israel, onto which have been grafted the wild olive branches of the Gentiles (cf. Rom 11: 17-24)."

  • Pope Benedict XVI's Message at Auschwitz

    Pope Benedict XVI in AuschwitzKRAKOW, Poland, MAY 28, 2006 - Here is a translation of the address Benedict XVI delivered when visiting the site of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp, the last stage of his apostolic trip to Poland.

  • Pope Benedict XVI's Message to Berlin's Jewish Leaders

    Pope Benedict XVI meets with Jewish leaders in Berlin"Strengthen Our Common Hope in God in the Midst of an Increasingly Secularized Society." Here is the address Benedict XVI delivered on September 22, 2011 to a gathering of representatives of the Jewish community at Berlin's Reichstag Building.

  • The Catholic Priest who Discovered he was a Jew

    Fr. Jacob WekslerJacob Weksler was raised a Catholic and became a priest. He later learned he was Jewish and came to Israel, where he found ultra-Orthodox relatives, a mixed welcome at a kibbutz ulpan and a confrontation with the Law of Return.

  • Vatican Note on Bishop Williamson

    Bishop Richard WilliamsonFollowing the reactions aroused by the recent Decree of the Congregation for Bishops, with which the excommunication of the four Bishops of the Fraternity of Saint Pius X was remitted, and in relation to the negationist and reductionist declarations concerning the Shoah on the part of Bishop Williamson of the same Fraternity, it is held opportune to clarify certain aspects of the matter.

  • We Remember: A Reflection on the Shoah


    "At the end of this Millennium the Catholic Church desires to express her deep sorrow for the failures of her sons and daughters in every age. This is an act of repentance (teshuva), since, as members of the Church, we are linked to the sins as well as the merits of all her children."

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