Ebrei cattolici

  • A Secret Seeker Finds the Messiah

    Orthodox Jewish womanI am an Orthodox Jew by adoption. That is to say, I am a convert to Judaism, according to the halacha. I live in the company of other Orthodox Jews, with my husband and four children, in a religious community in Israel. I also love Jesus and the Gospel message, which I am still learning, and this means that I live my faith life mostly inwardly.

  • Cardinal Lustiger on the Jewish Church

    Jean-Marie Cardinal LustigerFrom Cardinal Jean-Marie Lustiger's Book 'The Promise':"The Church appears in Jerusalem, after Pentecost, as an "assembly" kahal in Hebrew, ecclesia in Greek. it is unthinkable that she would claim to replace Israel. She is not another Israel, but the very, fulfillment, in Israel, of God's plan..."

  • He Clothed Me with Garments of Salvation (Isa 61:7)

    Sr. Miryam LeahMy name is Miryam Leah. I am 35 years old – Jewish, Italian, from an ultra-orthodox hassidic family (lubavitch – my father is the shaliach, the “sent one” of the Rebbe), and now for 8 years, Catholic and Dominican sister.

  • In Memoriam: Cardinal Lustiger

    Jean-Marie Cardinal Lustiger Aaron Jean-Marie Lustiger, cardinal and archbishop, died on August 5th, 2007, aged 80. At the funeral of Jean-Marie Lustiger, at Notre Dame de Paris on August 10th, his second cousin Jonas Moses-Lustiger read a psalm in Hebrew and placed on the coffin a jar of earth that had been gathered on the Mount of Olives. Then another cousin, Arno Lustiger, bent over the coffin to recite Kaddish. Only when those things were done was the body of Cardinal Lustiger carried inside the cathedral, where Catholic panoply took over.

  • Interview with Archbishop Raymond Burke

    Archbishop (now Cardinal) Raymond Burke AHC President David Moss interviewed Archbishop Raymond L. Burke in La Crosse, Wisconsin on Aug 5, 2010, on the topic of the election and vocation of the Jewish people within the Catholic Church.

  • Israel: A Prophetic Sign? Part III: Messianic Judaism and Christian Zionism

    Israel and the CrossPart III: Messianic Judaism and Christian Zionism: The rise of the Zionist movement in the late 19th century. Early Christian Zionism. Early Hebrew-Christians and early Hebrew-Catholics. The turning point: 1967. From Hebrew-Christians to Messianic Jews. The Messianic movement today in Israel and among the nations. Messianic theology and faith; Messianic congregations and worship; Messianic culture and life in Israel. Christian Zionism and Christian supporters of Israel today. Toward Jerusalem Council II - welcoming Jewish believers back into the Church.

  • Judaism & Catholicism: The Essential Difference

    The Torah and the CrossThere are no disagreements between Judaism and Catholicism. Where their teachings diverge, it is because they apply to two different, well, let’s call them universes, two ways that human experience is unified (uni-verse, “turned into one”) in relation to G-d according to their respective covenants.

  • Messianic and Catholic: Mark Neugebauer

    Mark NeugebauerHaving been raised in a Conservative Jewish home in suburban Toronto, I was a regular attendee at synagogue on Sabbaths and High Holidays. My father is a Holocaust survivor from Poland and my mother’s family escaped the pogroms in Russia. Both settled here in Canada and raised my sister and myself in a Jewish and Yiddish speaking environment where all of our friends were Jewish and Israel was our raison d’être. Christianity was the religion of the outsiders, the faith of anti-semites and Jew-haters, the creed of the Crusaders, Inquisitors, Persecutors, and Nazis. Yet my mother would remind me continually that "Jesus was a Jew"...

  • Prayer for the Salvation of Israel

    Yeshua, Messiah of IsraelLORD, that which You have given us, give to all Israel. May all Israel discover the sweet gentleness and sublimity of the Messiah, who is still waiting, and has already been with us for twenty centuries, Yeshua, the Lord. And together with the Messiah, may Israel discover the stunning beauty of the Good News that comes from heaven, the New Covenant capable of bringing to Israel the peace of her God, shalom upon Jerusalem.

  • Saved! Ronda Chervin's Conversion to the Catholic Faith

    Ronda ChervinAs right wing political atheists of a Jewish ancestry, we didn't fit in with anyone around us: not with Catholics, not with the sprinkling of Protestants, certainly not with Orthodox religious Jews in full regalia, nor Reform Jews, nor Zionist atheist Jews, nor left-wing non-Zionist Jews. Later, as a Catholic, I realized that my desire to belong to an identifiable group forever and ever had a psychological as well as a theological reason.

  • St. Paul on Jewish Law and Catholic Jews

    Saint Paul the apostleIs the baptized Jew still a Jew? Is he still obligated to keep the Law? Didn't St. Paul say that he's not? The purpose of this article is to address these questions by examining some of the most relevant passages from the epistles of St. Paul. We will see that a careful reading of his epistles suggests that the very reason St. Paul gives for exempting the Gentile from the observance of the Law deepened the meaning of the Law and value of observance for the Christian Jew.

  • The Catholic Priest who Discovered he was a Jew

    Fr. Jacob WekslerJacob Weksler was raised a Catholic and became a priest. He later learned he was Jewish and came to Israel, where he found ultra-Orthodox relatives, a mixed welcome at a kibbutz ulpan and a confrontation with the Law of Return.

  • The Difficult Path of Unity between Jews & Christians

    Pope Benedict and chief Rabbi of Rome Riccardo di SegniThe purpose of my speech is to point out what the change in the relationship between Jews and Christians is about, and especially to show that in this change and in some prophetic events taking place in the world today between Christians and Jews, the heavenly Father is carrying out His plan in history looking more and more towards the day when Christ will return in glory to fulfill the Father's plan upon the world.

  • The Hidden Reality

    Ariela AvidanFinding My Jewish Past and My Catholic Present - Growing up in New York City in a very strict Catholic home I began questioning the doctrines of our faith at a very young age. Little did I know that this very same quest brought me to a moment in my life in which I would have all these questions answered for me by G-d, Himself!

  • The Jewish Holidays, Holy Week & the Ascension

    Rosh HashanahThe four holidays of this coming holiday season correspond to the events of Holy Week and the Ascension. They are a figure of the great salvific events which mark the last days of Jesus’ human presence in this world.  The Christian Jew participates in those saving events, and immerses himself in the Christian mysteries of salvation as he celebrates the Jewish holidays.

  • The Jews: What Will their Acceptance Mean?

    Jews studying the Torah….In the meantime, Israel retains its own mission. Israel is in the hands of God, who will save it “as a whole” at the proper time, when the number of the Gentiles is complete….the evangelization of the Gentiles was now the disciples’ particular task…. (Benedict XVI, Jesus of Nazareth, Vol 2, pp. 44-46).

  • We Have Been Obstinate

    Romuald Jakub Weksler-WaszkinelThe term 'a stiff-necked people,' used to describe the Jews' betrayal of God on Mt. Sinai, has been erroneously applied throughout history; but in one case, at least, it is sadly apt.

  • Why the Catholic Jew Rejoices on Passover

    Passover Why should the Jew who has been saved by Jesus celebrate his redemption from Egypt? What meaning could the statement in the Haggadah that we should regard ourselves as having participated personally in the Exodus, possibly have for him?  What can the redemption from Egypt give him that he has not already received through the Cross?  

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Ultimi Articoli

Ariel Ben Ami - 05 Luglio 2024

Watch three intense debates between a Zionist Christian (Dr. André Villeneuve) and a Palestinian Christian (Daniel Bannoura) as they discuss the ongoing Israel/Hamas conflict in 2024. Gain insights into the different perspectives on this controversial issue and witness a clash of opinions on the political and humanitarian aspects of the conflict.

Catholics for Israel - 25 Giugno 2024

Michael Lofton interviews Dr. Andre Villeneuve and former IDF soldier Ariel Birnbaum about the war in Gaza and explores a wide range of questions - including whether Israel stole land from the Palestinians.

Antoine Levy - 17 Febbraio 2024

When we meet cats who grin, that is, people who are naturally nice and warm, we tend to think that they are good people. A grin of the sort gives itself out as an implicit promise of support in time of need. Somebody whom we identify as empathic will be most likely to help. What is very curious is realizing that certain people's cordial grin amounts to...

Gavin D'Costa - 12 Febbraio 2024

Il dono incondizionato dell'elezione del popolo ebraico è il fondamento teologico del sionismo cattolico. Molti testi del Nuovo Testamento sostengono l'idea che i cattolici dovrebbero approvare il sionismo. Gesù stesso era un sionista ebreo cristiano. I cattolici riconoscono che il popolo ebraico ha ancora un ruolo provvidenziale da svolgere, e il suo...

Gerald McDermott - 09 Febbraio 2024

Il sionismo cristiano di solito è respinto da chi lo critica per uno o più di questi tre motivi: (1) dicono elimini completamente il Nuovo Testamento, dove l'attenzione dell'Antico Testamento su una particolare terra è sostituita da una visione che ha a che vedere con il mondo intero; (2) pensano sia l’unica preoccupazione dei dispensazionalisti...

Yehuda - 04 Febbraio 2024

On the one hand, there is the Christian message of unconditional love and its emphasis on self-sacrifice at the hands of those who hate you unjustly: "No one can have greater love than to lay down his life for his friends." On the other hand, there is the logic of war: you want to liquidate those who hate you to the point of murdering your nation by all...