
  • A Response to Robert Sungenis

    Robert SungenisOn September 2, 2009, Catholic apologist Robert Sungenis published a document entitled "The Erroneous Teachings of Catholics for Israel” in which he directly attacks the legitimacy of our apostolate. This document states that on the Catholics for Israel website “various and sundry claims about the Jews and Israel are being disseminated as Catholic Teaching” but these, according to Sungenis, are “not Catholic teachings.” The following is our response to Sungenis' attacks.

  • Dr. André Villeneuve on Israel and the Church

    Michael Lofton and Andre VilleneuveDr. André Villeneuve discusses the role of Israel in the age of the Church on Michael Lofton's "Reason and Theology" podcast. Topics include God's covenant with Israel, supersessionism, the idea of the Church as "new Israel", Israel's role in the age of the Church, the modern state of Israel, Zionism, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and Israel's role in regard to Jesus' Second Coming.

  • From Rivalry to Reconciliation: The Catholic Church and the Jewish People

    Benjamin Netanyahu and Pope FrancisDr. André Villeneuve surveys the history of Jewish-Catholic relations, highlights the theological underpinnings of this relationship, and considers how it has undergone an extraordinary transformation in the past seventy years. 

  • Gary Burge: Not Sent by Heaven

    Gary BurgeWhile most Evangelical Protestants are generally friendly to the Jewish people and the State of Israel, there is a small band of Evangelical pastors and professors who want to line up all Evangelicals unilaterally on the Palestinian side. The most egregious example may be Anglican vicar Stephen Sizer, whose has chummed up with the likes of Naturei Karta and Iranian President Ahmadinejad. But Gary Burge probably wields the greater influence.

  • Israel: A Prophetic Sign? Part I: The Story of Israel and the Church from Abraham to Today

    Marc Chagall - The White CrucifixionPart I: Israel and the Church from Abraham to Today - The origins of Israel: the Patriarchs; the Exodus and Mount Sinai; the kingdom of Israel; exile and return. Hebrews, Israelites and Jews.  The Messiah and his rejection by his own people.  The birth of the Church. Early Jewish-Christianity, the growth of Gentile Christianity, and the parting of ways.  Israel in the patristic writings: the rise of "replacement theology." Christian anti-Semitism in the Middle-Ages. Theological evaluation: Israel and the Church in the New Testament. 

  • Salvation is from the Jews

    Fr. Frédéric Manns, OFMFaced with the "already here" of the Church, Israel is the witness of the "not yet". The Jewish people and the Christian people are thus in a situation of mutual imitation. Christians rejoice in the "already here", while the Jews remember the "not yet".

  • The Biblical Alternative to the Two-State Solution

    Br. Tilbert MoserBr. Tilbert Moser proposes a biblical alternative to the Two-State Solution and Vatican recognition of the Palestinian State. This article is currently available in German only.

  • The Difficult Path of Unity between Jews & Christians

    Pope Benedict and chief Rabbi of Rome Riccardo di SegniThe purpose of my speech is to point out what the change in the relationship between Jews and Christians is about, and especially to show that in this change and in some prophetic events taking place in the world today between Christians and Jews, the heavenly Father is carrying out His plan in history looking more and more towards the day when Christ will return in glory to fulfill the Father's plan upon the world.

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