
  • What is Replacement Theology?

    Replacement Theology Replacement theology (or supersessionism) is the idea that the Christian Church has "replaced" Israel (or the Jewish people) in God's plan of salvation as His chosen people. In its simplest expression, replacement theology could be expressed as follows: "The Jews have rejected Christ; therefore God has rejected the Jews and the Church is now the 'New Israel.'"

  • Why Be Catholic?

    St. Peter's Basilica Do you sometimes feel like there is something missing to your faith? Do you have a desire of becoming a part of the Church that Jesus originally founded? What does it mean to be "Catholic"? What does the Catholic Church have to offer that cannot be found in any other denomination? What are ten (plus one) good reasons for being or becoming a Catholic?

  • Why Catholics for Israel?

    Catholics for Israel Why is there a need for an apostolate of Catholics for Israel? What are some of the current challenges and problems in the Church and in the world that Catholics for Israel hopes to address?

  • Why Jesus?

    Jesus A short overview of the Gospel message: God loves us and wishes to give us a share in His divine life. Though we have broken His covenant by sinning, Jesus has come to reconcile us to God. He has established the Catholic Church to restore us to God and to impart to us His forgiveness, salvation, and eternal life of love.

  • Why the Catholic Jew Rejoices on Passover

    Passover Why should the Jew who has been saved by Jesus celebrate his redemption from Egypt? What meaning could the statement in the Haggadah that we should regard ourselves as having participated personally in the Exodus, possibly have for him?  What can the redemption from Egypt give him that he has not already received through the Cross?  

  • Will You Vote for the Antichrist?

    Will you vote for the antichrist?The reign of the Antichrist will appear in the form of "a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems at the price of apostasy from the truth." Will you be fooled into facilitating and enabling his rise to tyrannical world domination?

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Antoine Levy - 17 Febbraio 2024

When we meet cats who grin, that is, people who are naturally nice and warm, we tend to think that they are good people. A grin of the sort gives itself out as an implicit promise of support in time of need. Somebody whom we identify as empathic will be most likely to help. What is very curious is realizing that certain people's cordial grin amounts to...

Gavin D'Costa - 12 Febbraio 2024

Il dono incondizionato dell'elezione del popolo ebraico è il fondamento teologico del sionismo cattolico. Molti testi del Nuovo Testamento sostengono l'idea che i cattolici dovrebbero approvare il sionismo. Gesù stesso era un sionista ebreo cristiano. I cattolici riconoscono che il popolo ebraico ha ancora un ruolo provvidenziale da svolgere, e il suo...

Gerald McDermott - 09 Febbraio 2024

Il sionismo cristiano di solito è respinto da chi lo critica per uno o più di questi tre motivi: (1) dicono elimini completamente il Nuovo Testamento, dove l'attenzione dell'Antico Testamento su una particolare terra è sostituita da una visione che ha a che vedere con il mondo intero; (2) pensano sia l’unica preoccupazione dei dispensazionalisti...

Yehuda - 04 Febbraio 2024

On the one hand, there is the Christian message of unconditional love and its emphasis on self-sacrifice at the hands of those who hate you unjustly: "No one can have greater love than to lay down his life for his friends." On the other hand, there is the logic of war: you want to liquidate those who hate you to the point of murdering your nation by all...

Gerald McDermott - 29 Dicembre 2023

Gerald McDermott esamina il supersessionismo nella teologia cristiana, il concetto secondo il quale le promesse fatte al popolo ebraico presenti nell’Antico Testamento, tra cui quella di una terra, siano state superate dalla Chiesa cristiana. Ritiene che questa visione abbia prevalso nelll'interpretazione cristiana a partire dal IV secolo, causando dunque...

André Villeneuve - 20 Dicembre 2023

Dr. André Villeneuve discusses the role of Israel in the age of the Church on Michael Lofton's "Reason and Theology" podcast. Topics include God's covenant with Israel, supersessionism, the idea of the Church as "new Israel", Israel's role in the age of the Church, the modern state of Israel, Zionism, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and Israel's role in...