
  • The Blessed Trinity

    Icon of the Blessed Trinity (Ruvlin)The Trinity is the central mystery of the Christian faith. The term describes the inner life of God, who is an eternal communion of Persons and a Family whose life is love. Is the concept of the Trinity a Christian invention, derived from Greco-Roman pagan ideas? Or do we already find hints of the Trinity in the Hebrew Bible and in Jewish sources?

  • The Trinity in Ten Steps

    Icon of the Blessed TrinityThe Trinity is a distinctively Christian idea, but it articulates the concept of G-d implicit in  the Jewish as well as the Catholic experience of G-d, for Jews, like Catholics, know G-d as Father (Source), as Son (Shekhinah), and as the Holy Spirit (His Love).

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Antoine Levy - 17 Février 2024

When we meet cats who grin, that is, people who are naturally nice and warm, we tend to think that they are good people. A grin of the sort gives itself out as an implicit promise of support in time of need. Somebody whom we identify as empathic will be most likely to help. What is very curious is realizing that certain people's cordial grin amounts to...

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