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Zohar: You Are Not Alone!


South Africa Rabbi: US, European Leaders ‘Working to Curtail Strength of IDF’

Current Issues

UN Slashes in Half the Estimate of Number of Women, Children Killed in Gaza War

Life in Israel

May Their Memory Be a Blessing


Zohar, You are Not Alone


Bridges For Peace: Christians supporting Israel and building relationships

between Christians and Jews in Israel and around the world


Steadfast to the End

By: Rev. Terry Mason, Director of International Development

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord” (1 Cor. 15:58). This sage advice from the apostle Paul applies to each of us today. We live in perilous times of world history. Is your faith and walk with the Lord ready to withstand whatever may come? Are you steadfast, immovable and abounding in the work of the Lord?

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A Different Kind of Hostage

By: Cheryl Hauer, International Vice President

The dictionary defines a hostage as one who has been captured, taken and held as a prisoner of war, kept within bounds of confinement or held under the control of another. On October 7, 2023, over 240 people were torn from their homes, workplaces and even a music event being held to promote peace. They were dragged into the Gaza Strip, beaten, raped, terrified and humiliated. They had gone to sleep the night before, their minds occupied with thoughts of family, friends or perhaps the responsibilities of work, enjoying all the benefits of the freedom that defined their existence. But morning brought a tragic new reality that has now defined their lives for months. They are hostages.

Those who have been released tell the story of that captivity. They speak of terror, abuses of the most horrific kind, near starvation diets and constant psychological manipulation. But unfortunately, they are unable to enjoy their newly regained freedom. Many of them are still experiencing periods of terror, unable to sleep or work. On top of that, they are living with the crippling guilt that comes because they are now “free,” while their friends and family members remain in the prison that is Gaza.

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